Episode 2022

Combat inflation - Pivot S4

Published on: 23rd February, 2022

To make a thorough or dramatic change

  1. Begin by taking the first step
  2. Will you make things change or will you let change happen to you
  3. Define your outcome
  4. If it was easy everyone would be a multi-millionaire - it is if you work with the right professional

Have you honestly considered what YOU get from planning? Your safe and secure retirement is YOUR responsibility. What steps should you take - If your climbing Mt. Everest, you don't do it alone - you follow your Sherpa to guide you there. Why, they have already done this many times and are there to help you. This is similar to working with Estate Management Counselors - we are your guide - we have already assisted others in making the decisions you face.

Taking advantage of THE BUNDLE

To a prosperous and happy 2021!!

Sean G. Todd, Esq., M. Tax, CFP®, CPA

P.S. Your tax, estate and financial plan - done: THE BUNDLE

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About the Podcast

Professional Edge
Tax, Legal and Financial Strategies from a Tax Attorney, CFP®, CPA
Candid Tax, Legal, Financial Strategies from a uniquely qualified professional: SEAN G. TODD, Esq., M. Tax, CPA, CFP®. Want more $$ - You have to make better decisions. Information alone will not change anything, you have to implement the strategies by taking action. Where do you begin - by listening to The Professional Edge.

About your host

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Tax Attorney CPA CFP® - Host of the Professional Edge weekly radio show and adjunct tax professor The University of Georgia. Principal at Estate Management Counselors, LLC with offices in Atlanta and Columbus, GA where our clients benefit from fee based professional portfolio management, implementing estate planning solutions, asset protection planning and income tax saving strategies. A unique combination of professional credentials allow our clients to be the real winners.